
Looking to Advertise with Us?

If you're interested in advertising on our platform, we've made the process simple for you! Please follow these steps to get started:

Head to /n spawn New France

Purchase Your Advertisement: Each advertisement slot can be purchased for 16 gold. Make sure to have the amount ready

Contact the Managing Editor: After purchasing your advertisement, please ping @maxxiimus on Discord to finalize your advertisement details.

Get Posted: Once everything is set, your advertisement will be featured in our #advertisement section for all to see!

We look forward to showcasing your content!

Why Advertise With Us?

Choosing where to place your advertisements is crucial, and we believe our platform offers unique advantages that can significantly benefit your visibility and engagement. Here's why you should consider advertising with us:

Vast Audience: With over 2,000 members in our Discord community, your advertisement will reach a wide and engaged audience that's continually growing.

Proven Track Record: We've been delivering news to the Earth MC community for 7 years, establishing ourselves as a trusted and reliable source for information. This long-standing reputation speaks to our commitment and the consistent audience we've cultivated over the years.

Targeted Reach: Our platform is specifically tailored to the Earth MC community, ensuring your advertisements are seen by enthusiasts and players who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

By choosing to advertise with us, you’re not just buying space; you’re becoming part of a community with a shared passion for Earth MC. Let's work together to showcase your products, services, or events to the most relevant audience!

Ready to get started? Head to /n spawn New France and kick off your advertisement journey with us today!